
Tribune sports staff earns national APSE honors

The Trib won seven Top-10 awards in the Associated Press Sports Editors contest

The Salt Lake Tribune sports staff has claimed seven top-10 awards in the Associated Press Sports Editor Awards contest.

The Tribune earned top-10 honors for its Sunday sports sections’ reporting, photography and design, as well as individual awards for breaking news, explanatory journalism and feature writing.

Explanatory • Outdoors and Olympics reporter Julie Jag placed in the top 10 for her reporting on backcountry skiing safety concerns in the wake of a fatal avalanche.

Long Feature Writing • Tribune columnist Gordon Monson’s shared the story of Loa native Porter Ellett, who became a key member of the Kansas City Chiefs’ Super Bowl coaching staff after losing his right arm in a childhood accident.

Long Feature Writing • Utah Jazz beat writer Eric Walden detailed Quin Snyder’s coaching odyssey.

Short Feature Writing • Jazz beat writer Andy Larsen was honored for his story on rookie guard Jared Butler’s heart condition and activism.

Breaking News • Larsen and Walden earned a top-10 award for their reporting regarding the Jazz’s front-office shakeup.

Breaking News • Sports editor Aaron Falk reported on the story of a group of ultrarunners who got hit by a sudden Utah snowstorm.

The APSE awards are national recognition for work Tribune staffers did in 2021. The Tribune competes in the organization’s second-largest classification, which includes the IndyStar, Las Vegas Review-Journal, Charlotte Observer, Tennessean and St. Louis Post-Dispatch.