
Weekly Run podcast: The Utah Jazz’s winning streak and the team’s social media coverage

The Jazz are now up to 10 straight wins. But many fans of the team are upset that the streak — not to mention the play of Rudy, Donovan, et al — hasn’t garnered more national attention.

There are some people out there actively pimping the Jazz’s exploits, though. That would be those on the Jazz’s social media team. After previously bringing in the likes of Aaron Falk and Angie Treasure for guest spots, Weekly Run co-host Eric Walden went for the trifecta this week, having the Jazz’s JP Chunga visit the studio for a guest-hosting gig, owing to Andy B. Larsen wrapping up his road trip.

Eric and JP discuss the evolution of team coverage, and the process of trying to add some “color” to the usual news stories.

A breakdown of the podcast:

At 2:00 • JP introduces himself to the fawning masses, detailing his radio background and explaining what he does now for the Jazz.

At 5:39 • Eric and JP discuss the evolution of team coverage, and how the teams themselves have, over the years, begun to shape the narrative with their own content. Also, in discussing some of the team’s “characters,” JP also drops a bombshell that Georges “Minivan” Niang may be looking to get into the podcast game.

At 14:32 • JP discusses the “fluid fandom” of rooting for players over teams, and how being attracted to “personalities” is influencing coverage now. Also, he is a self-described “sports nerd” who appreciates some announcers and broadcast teams as much as or more than some athletes/teams — leading to an argument on the merits of Bob Costas.

At 22:02 • Turns out, a 10-game winning streak is good for business, with “enhanced interest” in the Jazz’s website right now, if not extra All-Star votes for Donovan and Rudy. Turns out, Donovan dunks are the No. 1 driver of traffic.

At 29:43 • Eric and JP discuss Andy’s love of “Jeopardy!” and whether it would have been cruel to spoil the result of the show’s GOAT tournament on social media while Andy was covering the game in Brooklyn. Also, Eric’s trivia night victory over Andy gets some run.

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