
Weekly Run podcast: The Derrick Favors decision, who else is available in free agency, 2nd round picks

It’s time for the Jazz to make a decision: do they want to keep Derrick Favors, or use his cap slot for other players available in free agency?

With the help of the Dunc’d On Podcast’s mock offseason, we take a look at the team’s choices in free agency, as well as what kinds of contracts each will get. Here’s the salary sheet we use:

And here’s a breakdown of the podcast:

At 1:00: Derrick Favors is going into FA as if he were unrestricted, and the Jazz are going into FA as if they have cap space to spend.

At 6:15: Can the Jazz get a better player or set of players than Derrick Favors?

At 14:15: The stretch 4 possibilities

At 22:35: The wing possibilities

At 32:30: The backup center possibilities

At 46:30: The second round picks’ press conference

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