Here are reactions on the death of LDS Church President Thomas S. Monson:
LDS Quorum of the Twelve Apostles • “We, the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, unitedly express our sincere sense of loss at the passing of President Thomas Spencer Monson. He was our prophet, our leader, our brother, and our dear friend. President Monson lived an exceptional life of service. He served as an apostle for more than 54 years, the last 10 years of which were as the president of the church. From his earliest days of church service to the very end of his faithful ministry, he never failed to bear witness, in word and deed, of the truth of the restored gospel and of the divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ. We will miss his wisdom, his leadership, his meaningful example, and his loving kindness. However, we rejoice in his reunion with his beloved Frances, with other family members who have gone before, and with the prophets of God who preceded him in death, with whom he now stands. As his fellow servants, we echo the words of the Master, ‘Well done, thou good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of thy Lord’ (Matthew 25:21).”
Ordain Women President Bryndis Roberts • “While we are sad that we will not longer have President Monson with us, we find comfort in the plan of salvation that tells us we will see him again. We join with other Mormons in prayer for the Monson family, the other members of the First Presidency, and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles as they lead our church through this transition.”
President Donald Trump • ”While serving for over half a century in the leadership of his church, President Monson demonstrated wisdom, inspired leadership, and great compassion.”
Rep. Mia Love, R-Utah • “Today, I give thanks for the life and example set by President Thomas S. Monson. His tireless, charitable service, cheerful demeanor, love of others and ministry touched millions of lives. He provided inspiration for Latter-day Saints throughout the world. God bless him and his family.”
Rep. Rob Bishop, R-Utah • “President Monson’s service to Utah, the LDS Church, and the world is without equal. He will be greatly missed, and his influence will be felt for generations to come. I am heartened by the belief that his passing leads to a divine reunion with his wife, Frances. My thoughts today are with his family and the millions throughout the world in mourning.”
Lane Beattie, head of the Salt Lake Chamber • “The state of Utah has lost a great Leader. President Monson’s influence has far exceeded his religious responsibilities, stewardship, and love for the Latter-day Saints around the world. He is truly a friend of all people. His willingness to work with all leaders and religions in the State of Utah has set him apart as a giant in our community. His love, compassion, and empathy have strengthened our entire state. His influence has added to the quality of life, economic development, and personal example that so many of us in Utah have benefited. He has spent his life in service to us all.”
Henry B. Eyring, Dieter F. Uchtdorf, former counselors to Monson • “President Thomas S. Monson was a mighty prophet of God and we are honored to have served by his side these past 10 years. His far-reaching and multifaceted ministry touched the lives of people from all walks of life in remarkable ways. As a result, President Monson’s legacy will continue to be an influence for good in the lives of countless individuals and families for generations to come. To his family, we extend our most sincere condolences and love.”
Rev. Oscar Solis, bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake City •“On behalf of the Catholic community of the Diocese of Salt Lake City, I extend heartfelt condolences to the family, members of the First Presidency, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, other leaders and faithful of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on the death of President Monson. He joyfully served his church and the broader community selflessly and humbly for many years. The President has been a good friend and supporter in our mutual efforts to support the common good and care for the most vulnerable both at home and abroad. Catholic Community Services as well as the Good Samaritan Program have benefited from his commitment to the poor. For President Monson, the Sermon on the Mount was not just a platitude but a way of life. President Monson was an advocate of unity and believed in the goodness of each person. He embraced people regardless of faith, seeing in them the image of Jesus. His was a “human” touch of kindness and dignity that will long be treasured. We join in prayer with the LDS faithful at this difficult time.”
Utah Episcopal Bishop Scott B. Hayashi • “He was a kind person with a calming voice, a strong leader for his church and a prophet who personally reached out to individual members. I will always appreciate the LDS Church’s generous dedication to interfaith ministries under his presidency and throughout his many years of devoted service. I call upon the people of the Episcopal Diocese of Utah to join with me in prayer for President Monson’s family and the good people of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.”
Rabbi Benny Zippel of Chabad Lubavitch of Utah • “President Monson was a deeply godly individual. I was very moved by his humility, kind spirit and his deep commitment to upholding God’s values in this world. I had the privilege of interacting with President Monson on numerous occasions, one of which I recall very fondly, of how we stood together on the steps of the state capitol in January 2009 at the inauguration of then-Gov. Jon M. Huntsman. It was a very cold day physically, around 13 degrees, but his warmth exuded in a very clear fashion, nonetheless.”
Rabbi Ilana Schwartzman, Congregation Kol Ami • “Our deepest condolences go out to President Monson, his family, the LDS Church, and all those whose lives he touched. We were blessed to have had a strong relationship with President Monson and appreciate all that he did with and for our community. He was an advocate for interfaith conversation and cooperation. We pray that the church will go from strength to strength, and that those who continue in leading the LDS Church will maintain solid ties with the Jewish community in general and Kol Ami specifically. Our thoughts and prayers are with all those who mourn.”
Utah Senate Democrats • "We were saddened to learn of the passing of LDS Church President Thomas S. Monson. He was a kind and compassionate man who led with humility. He gained great admiration for his ability to show his care for each person he encountered. His deep concern for those less fortunate, and his leadership on how to treat immigrants and refugees set an example for all. We offer our heartfelt condolences to his family and friends, and to the members of the LDS Church."
Greg Johnson, director of Utah’s Standing Together • “We in the local Evangelical community offer our compassion and regard for the LDS community in relation to this very significant and emotional time for the LDS people.”
Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, President of the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops • “The Catholic Church in the United States wishes to extend to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints community our prayers and condolences on the death of President Monson. During his tenure as president, understanding and friendship developed between our two communities on national and local levels. As we engage important questions on family and the dignity of the human person, Catholics and Mormons work together and support each other. Today, Catholics join their Latter-day Saints brothers and sisters in commending his soul to the mercy and love of God.”
Salman Masud, president of Islamic Society of Greater Salt Lake • “During his tenure, the Muslims always felt Utah to be a warm and welcoming home. I say this to my Mormon brothers and sisters: although it’s difficult today to see beyond the sorrow, may looking back in memory help comfort you tomorrow.”