This is not a drill. Democracy is in peril. And if we really look at what is happening, we are in the fetal stages of fascism.
Our governmental infrastructure is purposefully being dismantled. This is not about the debt. This is a takeover. They are abandoning veterans, seniors, the disabled, hungry children, and cancer patients; to name a few. They are destroying the educational system in order to privatize schools and thus “educate” the populace to their liking. They are eliminating “inconvenient” history that doesn’t fit the narrative they are creating. They are systematically erasing the Holocaust, the civil rights movement, Code Talkers, Tuskegee Airmen, the Tulsa Massacre, Gay Rights, etc., from government websites; all in the name of the boogie man they created out of three letters; DEI. Those letters stand for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; in essence, America at its best.
This is how democracy ends. When Congress (the legislative branch) is made impotent through fear of violence, and/or an insatiable desire for power, it has capitulated its role in maintaining democracy and ceded power to the executive branch. Now, the judicial branch has been trampled upon. Trump simply defies court orders and does what he wants; even illegally deporting individuals who are noncriminals and are here legally, without due process. And no one will hold him to account. Trump has captured all departments that uphold the rule of law; the FBI, the DOJ (including the U.S. Marshals Service). He commands the military. As long as this regime endures, sham elections are all we can expect.
Dictators go after the media. Right wing media has long been captured. It promotes propaganda and confuses audiences. It calls verifiable facts into question and demonizes truth. It is used to manipulate minds toward the dictators’ aims. Journalists who report the truth are targeted and eliminated one way or another. It is happening!
This playbook has been enacted time and again; Russia, China, Vietnam, Iran, North Korea, Hungary and Germany. So I’m begging, please wake up patriots! The iron curtain is falling. There is very little time left to act.
Gina Zhdilkov, Bountiful