As a homemaker and stay-at-home mom, I do not consider building more highways, developing public land, grueling 80-hour work weeks, and having more babies in response to climate change family friendly policy.
Utah Sen. Mike Lee wants to turn over public land to development through the HOUSES Act. DOT wants to build more highways for families. Musk called on “revolutionaries” to work 80 hours/week, for free! and Sen. Lee’s answer to climate change is to have more children.
When did the over-exploitation of our beautiful planet, dismantling of programs that provide protection and uplift, and the exploitation of individuals through the notion of “hard work” become family friendly?
When I think of family-friendly policies, what comes to mind is being able to maintain a healthy work-life balance and live in healthy and safe environments where we have time to enjoy life and contribute to our communities.
Building highways to drive folks to work further from home, handing over public lands to developers, 80-hour work weeks (without pay!) and having more children to care for?!? That sounds exhausting and is not conducive to a healthy work-life balance.
With the ideology that got Trump elected, it’s no surprise these are being touted as family friendly. Reflecting on the history of marriage, this is how power was maintained. Marriage created alliances and heirs. Women were traded, bred and passed down like grandma’s old chest. Larger families provided a labor force. Human beings were abused and treated as disposable.
A revolution devised through greed by the rich and powerful is not the change we need. Wake up!
It’s all just a “Game of Thrones” until we decide otherwise.
Maurena Grossman, Salt Lake City