
Letter: Jesus promised to come back. Trump won’t go away.

During the campaign many carried signs saying, “Jesus is my savior, Trump is my president.”

However, Trump has the edge over Jesus. Trump is the real presence in our country today.

Jesus had twelve devoted disciples; Trump has 77 million.

Jesus said to pay taxes to Rome; Trump promises to lower taxes yet again.

Jesus fished in a lake; Trump reclaims the Panama Canal so he can float huge boats from one ocean full of fish to another.

Jesus said to love your enemies; Trump says to fire them and take away their press credentials.

Jesus overturned the tables of the moneychangers; Trump lets the moneychangers charge whatever interest rates they want.

Jesus exorcised demons; Trump pardons them.

Jesus said he could destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days; Trump can empty a whole country and turn it into beachfront property.

Jesus served bread and water to his friends; Trump serves lavish meals to political zealots and white supremacists.

Jesus promised to come back; Trump will never go away.

Kimball Shinkoskey, Woods Cross

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