Why don’t people understand each other better? Because they don’t read psychology.
Why can’t people express themselves more effectively? Because they haven’t learned communication techniques.
Why can’t people write better? Because they don’t study English.
Why don’t people better understand individuals of other cultures? Because they don’t read anthropology.
Why can’t people talk to other people around the world? Because they don’t study linguistics.
Why can’t people appreciate a well-written phrase? Because they don’t read good literature.
Why can’t people understand why financial markets work? Because they don’t read economics.
Why do people always seem to repeat themselves and their bad outcomes? Because they don’t study history.
Why can’t people understand complex questions of why? Because they don’t read philosophy.
Why can’t people get those “high-demand and high-wage” jobs? Because they haven’t enriched their job paths with these topics.
Why can’t the Legislature get it? Because they’re incapable of understanding or have totally ignored their own experiences to make a political point. Feel better now?
Calvin Boardman, Salt Lake City