This is a love letter. While some will shower their mates with words of devotion, this note is dedicated to an entire group who often don’t feel our adoration. Federal employees not only deserve our respect and gratitude, but our abiding affection, too.
As a civil servant for much of my career, I know few groups of people who take their work for the American people as seriously as our federal workforce. These people fully understand that your tax dollars underlie their professional dedication to social services, plus land, wildlife, water and air conservation. Employees working overseas spend months and years away from family to help those less fortunate, as well as preserve a shining reputation for our country globally. Most of these workers have invested in years of higher education and work experience to attain such valued skills — for us, the citizens of this planet.
These professionals don’t ask for much, and certainly not our affection. To the contrary, it is common in social banter to denigrate civil servants. My experience tells me otherwise: government workers are among the hardest workers I’ve ever seen. They do so on our behalf.
The current administration, in yet another effort to pit us against each other, positions civil servants as opponents, even calling them “radical lunatics.” They insult their integrity and undermine their successes with impunity.
No, not today. These people are our neighbors. When federal employees succeed, they do so for us. My tax dollars could not be better spent.
Where elected and unelected officials sling hate in this season, I stand in the name of love. Thank you for all you do, federal workers!
Paul Rogers, Logan