
Letter: The Legislature is doubling down on targeting nonprofit groups that are educating Utah children about consent

As a Utah resident and who was educated here, as I listened to HB233 being presented in the House Education committee on Feb. 13, the hypocrisy was clear. Make no mistake, this bill is to target Planned Parenthood of Utah as an “elective abortion provider.”

I expect our elected legislators to be familiar and understand current Utah law and not put tax payers on the hook for ridiculous, repetitive legislation to target nonprofit groups that are educating our Utah children about consent. This provides students with age-appropriate language to advocate for themselves about what isn’t appropriate touch to their bodies. If we do not educate our children what consent is, then our Utah sexual assault rates will continue to be higher than the national average.

As Rep. Peck incorrectly stated, this is not a way for Planned Parenthood of Utah to “encourage our children to be sexually active” and encourage abortion or “advertise” themselves.

Planned Parenthood is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and does everything to try and decrease abortions by providing education and contraception. Let’s give Utah parents a little more credit, on understanding and agreeing with what their children are being taught, especially since this is an opt-in program, parents have to approve their children attending these “elective abortion provider” education classes.

Parents also have to opt-in their children attending seminary provided by the LDS Church, which teaches specific religious beliefs. If any organization is “feeding into a business model,” advertising to our children in order to add to their billion-dollar industry, it is them.

Our children and Utah parents deserve better from our legislators.

Katie Roghaar, South Salt Lake

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