
Letter: This will truly be a new golden age for America. Out with D.E.I., in with T.E.I.

America has spoken and enough of you believe what we need is an irredeemable liar as the leader of our land. My fellow Americans selected concepts of a plan over actual policies. New policies are starting to emerge as the law of the land.

The policy guiding major government positions will no longer be D.E.I, but instead will focus on T.E.I. policies. For those of you unfamiliar, T.E.I. policies focus on three main qualifications.

T stands for telegenic. Among the highest qualifications you can possess is an attractive appearance. This policy that designates appearances is far more fundamental than facts. This can be referred to as Appearance Uber Alles or A.U.A. If you better understand the parlance of 12-year-old boys, think of it as a “no fatties” policy. Bonus points are awarded for actual experience on reality or alternate reality TV, e.g., Fox News, MTV or WWE.

The letter E represents entitled. Qualified candidates must possess an air of superiority and privilege whether it is earned or not (see previous reference to A.U.A.). Candidates can strengthen their resume by showing an aptitude for speaking on behalf of “true” Americans, the Founding Fathers, or God — all while exhibiting personal behavior that appears guided by a moral compass that has the needle painted on or missing altogether.

The letter I stands for incompetence. When you find that the most capable candidates are too adherent to principles or the Constitution, you have to reach past them to the bottom of the barrel to the layer containing the sycophants. For what these contenders lack in competence, talent and understanding, they make up for as servile toadies.

This will truly be a new golden age for America. However as with everything Trumpian, when you look closely it is merely a thin gold plating over a corroded core.

David Vala, Taylorsville

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