Are you proud to be an American yet? Shame on this administration. Shame on our local legislators for rubber stamping hatred and intolerance and calling it by another name. Shame on our representatives who are failing to speak out about the failures in leadership and in transparency occurring in the highest office of the land.
It is shameful to watch as this administration continues to demonstrate what corruption and incompetence look like on a world stage. It is outrageous that our president and vice president chose to publicly ridicule and berate a leader who has tirelessly defended Ukraine from Russian occupation. Since when did we abandon global security and global peace? Since when did we abandon our democratic partners in favor of dictators? Since when did we call Russia and North Korea our allies and partners while abandoning longstanding partnerships with neighbors like Canada?
Will tariffs make America great again? Will using our local Air Force bases as detainment camps for the undocumented make America great again? Will firing dedicated employees across the country who happen to be federal employees make America great again? Will legislating hate against our transgender and LGBTQ+ communities make America great again? Will withdrawing vital food supplies and medical and health supplies to the malnourished and vulnerable populations of the world make America great again?
This administration is promoting hate, discord and turmoil, and they are succeeding. It is time for our legislators and representatives to be louder on our behalf. It is time for all Americans to be louder. This is not who we are.
Maren Williams Warnick, Syracuse