The only conclusion I can reach is that the Utah Legislature is composed of a bunch of fraidy-cats. Why else would everything that they do, in most of the bills that they pass (or try to pass), seek to create a monopoly — no, an autocracy — in the leadership of our state.
What are they so afraid of? Us? The people they are supposed to be representing? Why don’t they trust us to know when we need a means by which we can let them know, via an initiative, that they really didn’t do something right? Are they so scared that we, the people, might begin to have a little bit of power — more than the vote?
Are they so afraid of this current Utah Supreme Court, composed of five remarkably independent justices, that they think they need to plant two or more of their own appointees to the bench? Are they that afraid of this current powerful body which has the right and responsibility to curtail some of their legislation that isn’t compatible with the rules of the state or the Constitution?
Why do they want to seize control of the property taxes which are currently destined for education? Why are they wanting to control access to public records? (Are they afraid that something or someone might be exposed as fraudulent or mismanaged by the legislative government?) Why are they hamstringing public employees by taking away their rights to bargain?
Are they, as a body of individuals, truly that insecure? Why are they so afraid, and — what of?
Losing control over everything — and all of us?
Karen Post, Sandy