
Letter: Turning smoke into action: Our lawmakers must act to save our forests

One sentence in Patrick Belmont’s informative recent op-ed delivers a striking warning: “The fires in L.A. are not an aberration, they are a lesson written in smoke and ruin, one that we in Utah would do well to heed.”

How can we respond to Belmont’s challenge?

I suggest contacting Sens. Lee and Curtis — by email, phone or a note on social media and ask them to vote for the Fix our Forests Act, a bipartisan bill recently passed in the House of Representatives.

This bill will address the forest management side of the fire problem: restoring forest health, increasing resiliency to catastrophic wildfires, and building fire-safety defenses for communities across our country and specifically Utah communities in high risk areas.

By sharing your opinion with our senators, you can ignite real action on this burning issue.

David Folland, Sandy

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