Through his plan for Gaza, President Trump is further solidifying his position as supreme ruler. Taking over Gaza by what authority? His own.
Not by U.S. congressional authority or international law. His own.
How’s that strategy working for Putin? For Netanyahu?
I support Israel but don’t see this as having a good outcome. What “all hell” is left to be loosed on Gaza?
Jordan offers to take in 2,000 Palestinian children? There are nearly two million Gaza Palestinians.
Egypt may be pressured to accept them but will resent taking any at all, and Palestinians do not want to go.
Trump will move the U.S. into Gaza and develop a coastline of exquisite resorts only to find he has to wrap the country in fences, walls and blockades to keep terrorists from renting rooms.
When the U.S. becomes the target for terrorism, as if it hasn’t been already, and the number of American deaths rise, anti-Zionism and, yes, antisemitism will double down here at home. As if it hasn’t already.
And let’s not forget Canada, Greenland, the Panama Canal and Trump’s renaming of the Gulf of Mexico.
Now all we need is a cadre of white children in brown shirts to rat out their illegal and Dreamer classmates to complete the image.
Mark Cantor, Salt Lake City