
Letter: I primarily care about the economy. Trump says he has a plan. The GOP has to own what happens next.

I admit, I am selfish. In these times, I care about what happens to my family, especially now that we are getting closer to retirement.

I also don’t care much for: Climate change, immigration, transgender rights, abortion, NATO, Israel or any of the other major hot topics in this election cycle. What I care about is that our economy stays strong so I can retire in leisure in a couple of years.

Donald Trump says he has a plan and has the means to implement it. So, we will see what happens. The Republicans have to own what happens as they control the wheels of the government now.

So I will bookmark this letter and respond in four years.

As of Jan. 17: DOW closed at 43,478, Nasdaq 19,759 and the S&P 500 6,049. The price of 85 octane gas at my Costco was $2.78 and Kroger Brand Bacon was $4.99.

David T. Lancaster, Murray

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