After reading the letter, “Trump’s America” on Jan. 29 I must respond. Maren Williams Warnick states Donald Trump is hoping we won’t speak up and that we will ignore him. I beg to differ with her. Americans did speak up on Nov. 5. Millions and millions of Americans cast their vote for Donald Trump. They spoke loudly and clearly with their vote. They stated that they were sick and tired of Joe Biden’s corrupt administration.
Let’s review what Warnick wants you to speak up about. Trump pardons those who were arrested for Jan. 6. What about the pardons that Joe Biden handed out? Number one being that to his son Hunter. And those of his family members that he pardoned 20 minutes before Trump was inaugurated. This is a huge admission of guilt. Biden pardoned more people than anyone in the history of our country. Is this something that we should speak up about Warnick?
The American people spoke loudly and very clearly and support Trump on his sweep of undocumented persons. There is a way to come to this country legally and anyone who does not follow that process is a criminal. They broke the law when they arrived illegally. Biden welcomed millions and millions of those who insisted on breaking the law and entered this country illegally. They are criminals regardless of the reason they came here. If they hide in churches and schools, so be it. They are still criminals. I fully support Trump 100% in deporting the millions who came over here to take advantage of this country.
Warnick states that Trump is wrong when he declares that there are only two genders. She states that there is all kinds of evidence to the contrary. Please, Ms. Warnick, inform us all of what kind of evidence that you have that there are more than two genders. A transgender person will always be the gender of their birth. No amount of surgery and pills will ever change this fact. American support of this was also displayed in voting for Trump. Americans speak.
I for one, among millions, fully subscribe to Trump’s vision of America. I will stand up and speak proudly for what Trump has done in less than two weeks. The United States was going down fast with Joe Biden in office. Americans in this country made their voice very clear. They voted for somebody with a clear plan of action to make our country great again. You can either be on his side or against it but either way he is going to restore the conservative America from the Ronald Reagan era. Thank you! Thank you, thank you to the millions of Americans who cast their vote for Donald Trump! America will be great again!
Marci Esparza, Murray