Jordan Muhlestein’s Sherlock-like sleuthing seems to have uncovered a sinister tendency for Pat Bagley to betray somewhat liberal leanings on occasion.
Although I have not replicated Muhlestein’s research, I’ve no reason to doubt that the identified tendencies are in fact there to be found. Muhlestein courageously, correctly, alerts readers to the fact that Bagley’s take on events can differ from one to the next. Worse, those takes can be shockingly out of step with Utah’s voters, seemingly in thrall to a man whose adjudicated felony convictions, proud racism/sexism, and dangerously flexible relationship with facts or what it means to conduct oneself, and treat others, with human decency and respect, are de rigueur.
I applaud Muhlestein and agree that a Salt Lake Tribune editorial cartoonist deserves censure for not following the example of Utah’s throngs, whose leadership selections communicate their own highly flexible relationship with the teachings of a faith they claim to embrace.
As has been said before, it is far easier to fight for your ideals than to live them.
Thomas Walker, Salt Lake City