I, for one, agree with our beloved legislators and feel strongly that vote-by-mail must go!
First of all, it works too well. Utah has been using this method for years and there have been no problems with it! The whole point of government is to prove to the people that it doesn’t work so they demand less of it (with the goal being to bring us back to the feudal age when America was really great!). If we keep running competent elections, Utah might give other states the wrong idea.
I have the perfect solution to replace it with.
Let’s tear down that silly whale sculpture and replace it with a beautiful statue of President Trump. Then people still wanting to vote in Utah can form a single line to it. When they reach the front they can kneel, kiss the feet of the statue, and make an oath to always agree with whatever nonsense the Republicans in complete control of our state want to do.
Then, and only then, their vote will be counted.
John Whipple, Salt Lake City