Thank you to The Tribune for shedding light on Mike Lee’s self-serving, dishonest and dangerous use of the social media platform known as X.
Using X, Utah’s very own keyboard warrior is able to spread lies and amplify conspiracy theories at a manic pace, without the accountability he would face for doing the same on the Senate floor.
Lee posts on X not with Utahns in mind but rather as a way to ingratiate himself with his fellow keyboard warrior, “our” similarly dishonest president.
I wish Lee’s 453,000 followers on X would read The Tribune’s article but I know few will and, of those few who might, even fewer will admit to Lee’s blind ambition and his disdain for facts. With every passing year (day?) of his Senate tenure, Mike Lee has become more concerned about himself and less concerned with the state he supposedly represents.
Republicans such as Marjorie Taylor Greene are rightly seen as unserious legislators, even by members of their own party. Mike Lee is no more legitimate than MGT but our self-proclaimed “constitutional scholar” has somehow sold that persona to the majority of Utahns for three election cycles. In doing so, he has also sold his soul.
Rob Greene, Salt Lake City