After reading the article on anti-natalists, I find the whole religious stance on children to be rather puzzling. The religious right has to be so very torn up with the cognitive dissonance and strife of their own making.
On the one hand, due to an unwavering belief in the Bible as the absolute infallible truth and word of God, they are the most fierce defenders of the unborn. Even those to be considered as illegitimate upon birth; those defined conceptions being created by rape, incest and sex outside of marriage — according to the Bible. Every child deserves to be born.
Yet, on the other hand, according to Deuteronomy 23:2, “No one born of a forbidden union may enter the assembly of the Lord. Even to the 10th (!) generation, none of his descendants may enter the assembly of God.”
So, according to the religious right and what God says, illegitimate kids are required to be born, so they can be cursed by God and are to be treated as such — for 10 generations! — immediately upon birth. Welcome to the world kid!
Wow! I’d say that’s weird and really messed up.
Peter A. Orum, Salt Lake City