
Letter: If you’re evil, you can win over religious people. But if you’re holy, you might get crucified.

Data shows that the U.S. faith community strongly supported Donald Trump in the recent election. For example, heavily LDS Utah counties voted overwhelmingly for Trump while the counties with the lowest proportion of religious congregations — Salt Lake and Summit — went solidly for Kamala Harris.

Question: Does this suggest that if believers like your views, they’ll be willing to overlook even serious sins?

Answer: Absolutely.

Remember, in Trump’s case we’re talking prolific liar, convicted fraudster, rapist, swindler, briber, adulterer, known for being abusive, profane, etc. But the 2024 election also confirms a crucial point made by the Bible: The faith community is a poor barometer for who deserves our support.

New Testament passages tell that the fame of Jesus spread throughout the Holy Land. Yet the majority of the faith community apparently wasn’t impressed by him or his views. Prominent religious leaders petitioned Pilate, an unbeliever, to kill him. When the Roman resisted, the obedient multitude loudly supported their “priests and elders” in demanding the Lord be crucified, which he was. (Matthew 27:19-23)

Let’s face it, if you’re highly evil you can win over religious people, but if you’re highly holy, they might want you nailed to a cross.

On a related note, it wasn’t long ago it was necessary to inform many Christian voters: “No, Obama is not a foreign-born, brown-skinned, anti-war socialist who gives away health care. You’re thinking of Jesus.”

Steve Warren, West Valley City

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