
Letter: Election seasons in Utah have been hard on Mormon Democrats. Recently, a consoling sermon brought hope.

(Jonathan Beckley) The Rev. J. Sylvan, leader of the First Unitarian Church of Salt Lake City.

(Jonathan Beckley) The Rev. J. Sylvan, leader of the First Unitarian Church of Salt Lake City.

Regarding a recent letter to the Public Forum, “Let’s consider the LDS 13th Article of Faith in light of who Latter-day Saints chose as president.”

Dear David Linford:

You think it’s difficult to live in a Mormon state where a large majority of Mormons vote Republican? Yes, it is! And also difficult being a Democrat and a Mormon in this Mormon state!

On the Sunday after the election, many Mormons, including my own family, decided to go to the First Unitarian Church where we knew we would be welcome. The pews were filled to overflowing with Unitarians and Mormon visitors who came knowing they would be among understanding liberal friends!

The beautiful consoling sermon by the Rev. J. Sylvan brought us hope and lifted spirits, and then we met with friends in the Community Hall for conversation and treats. We were comforted knowing we were not alone.

I was raised a Mormon Democrat in this state, and it has been difficult during election seasons. We found it sad that some church leaders were speechless when this important election drew near, and that many had nowhere to turn when saddened by its outcome.

Bev Terry, Salt Lake City

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