
Letter: Harris wasn’t the best candidate, but the GOP has become the party that wins by deception at all costs

I voted for Kamala Harris but I am not “elite.” I worked all my life and watched where my dollars went. I did not miss a meal but could not be wasteful. I support the working person and vote for whoever I think will do best for them. They are the backbone of this country. I support long-term decisions over short-term ones.

I think the rich do not pay their fair share and the heaviest burden falls on the workers of this country. In my opinion, all policies, from foreign affairs to daily regulations should benefit the people who live and work here over the long-term. These values are far from elite.

The problem with Harris is she ran on her smile. There were better people to represent her party. The Republicans have become the party that wins by deception at all costs. I am saddened by this because we need a sensible party to balance the wilder impulses on both sides.

The incoming version of the Republican Party will harm the working people of this country and we all will have serious repairs to do in the future. That is my prediction and worry.

Mary Van Siclen, Salt Lake City

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