
Letter: An impartial judiciary strengthens democracy. Before voting, study the nonpartisan evaluation of judges.

Utahns have important decisions to make at the ballot box. Yet, amid the flurry of political campaigns, one vital area often overlooked is the evaluation of our judges. As informed citizens, it’s critical that we prioritize studying the nonpartisan evaluations of judges at judges.utah.gov before casting our votes.

An impartial judiciary is essential for the health of our democracy, ensuring that justice is administered fairly and without political bias. By examining these evaluations, voters can make informed choices about who sits on the bench, selecting judges based on merit and judicial performance rather than political affiliation. Partisan preferences, where decisions are influenced by political agendas rather than the rule of law, lead to biased rulings, erosion of public trust, and compromised justice.

As a Utah resident, I’ve seen how a fair and competent judiciary can uphold our community’s rights and freedoms. However, such just actions are not guaranteed in our democratic system, so we need to be vigilant and be aware of who our judges are and how they measure up to our expectations to ensure continual justice. Just as Ben Franklin in 1787 expressed concern over whether Americans could keep their democratic republic, we need to do our part to maintain an impartial judiciary.

Let us not waste our voting power. By utilizing the resources at judges.utah.gov, we empower ourselves to maintain the integrity of our judiciary. Let us keep a judiciary that we can be proud of.

Chris Russell, Salt Lake City

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