
Letter: Are we better off now than four years ago? Without a doubt.

With voters citing the economy as a key factor in this election, let’s determine if you are better off now than you were four years ago under Trump.

In April 2020 unemployment was 14.8%, the highest since the Great Depression. Under Biden it sits at 4%, the best sustained employment rates in 50 years. Trump lies when he says the price of bacon has gone up by five times. That would mean $25 a pound. Go see for yourself the price. It’s marginally higher than it was in 2020, but now you can go to the store without a mask and the shelves are full. Not so in 2020 when Trump mismanaged the pandemic and the shelves were empty. You couldn’t buy toilet paper — remember that? The stock market collapsed under Trump. Your 401k retirement fund probably lost 20-30% of its value in 2020 under Trump. Under Biden the markets have soared and your 401k is now probably very healthy again. Thanks Joe!

The U.S. has the strongest economy in the world in the wake of the post-global pandemic economic downturn and we have less inflation than the rest of the industrialized nations. The experts said we were headed for a recession but the Biden economic policies gave us a soft landing and the economy thrived with more job and wage growth than predicted. Trump inherited a strong economy with years of sustained growth in 2017 (from Obama/Biden) and by the end of his four year reign it had all been washed away. Biden/Harris inherited an economic meltdown from Trump and led us through the turmoil with an amazing recovery.

Are we better off now than four years ago? Oh yes! 2020 was a disaster. Many of us lost loved ones during that dark period when Trump contradicted the experts and divided us during the worst pandemic in a century. We paid a high price due to his incompetence. You might have forgotten those horrific days, but I haven’t. We can’t go back. Trump left us with a financial crisis the first time around and the worst debt increase in a generation and to go through that again is pure folly. If it’s about the economy for you then compare 2020 with 2024. The Biden/Harris economic model far outperforms the trickle-down failures of Trump and his MAGA lackeys.

John Nelson, Salt Lake City

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