
Letter: Gov. Cox, you can do better, but only if you cleanse yourself of the political grime you decided to jump into

Gov. Spencer Cox: You’ve made some Faustian bargains to get re-elected (which is pretty much assured), but I don’t think that’s who you really are.

I think you just had to play the game to try to convince the radical right that you were one of them. Maybe that’s a good thing, though, since your Republican opponents were so extremely wacky. And the Utah electorate is so monolithic that you needed their support. You’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do, I guess. Though it is interesting to note that Utah is up there in its voting unanimity with regimes such as North Korea, China, and the former Soviet Union and East Germany.

Given that you are seemingly a religious person, it’s time to repent. Confess that you’ve been wrong. That you don’t really want to beat up on the weak and needy (the unfortunates we all know), the “different,” women in difficult situations, and the outliers in the ever-expanding Utah populace, etc. You know what I mean, so I won’t go into all of that.

But you should definitely disavow your support for the wannabe despot Trump (you must admit that your timing on that endorsement was pretty bad). And do it sooner rather than later. Before the elections. After-the-fact confessions always sound more like “Sorry, I got caught” than “Sorry, I’m wrong.”

Gov. Cox, you can do better, but only if you cleanse yourself of the political grime you decided to jump into. And that cleansing may actually be a step forward in helping us all climb out of this political/cultural divide we currently find ourselves in.

Hey, and maybe even appoint a few progressives/Democrats into important state government positions. Trust democracy. It shouldn’t be about excluding and demonizing the “other.”

Roger Roper, Sanpete County

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