
Letter: As reprehensible as Nixon’s actions were, they were but a day in the life of Trump

“Make them riot. Do it!” These are the words of Donald Trump to one of his campaign workers who was present in 2020, as an agitated mob congregated at the site of a ballot-counting location (Jan. 6 indictment released Oct. 2).

“You’re too honest.” These were the words of Donald Trump to Mike Pence when Pence continued to rebuff the strong-arm tactics Trump employed in order to pressure him into illegally overturning the electoral count and nullifying the will of us, the people.

“So what.” These were the words of Donald Trump when an aide told him that the mob he assembled and sent to the Capitol, was screaming “Hang Mike Pence.”

And so, why is this man essentially tied with Kamala Harris for the presidency? I’ve been asking how this cult of personality could be more important than democracy for eight years now.

Richard Nixon used to be our idea of the ultimate example of a corrupt president; the one who resigned in shame. When Nixon’s illegal actions were revealed, his party turned against him. The country turned against him. As reprehensible as his actions were, they were but a day in the life of Trump.

What in God’s name has happened to us?

Gina Zhdilkov, Bountiful

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