
Letter: John Arthur excelled as my student, and he’ll excel when elected to the Utah State Board of Education

John Arthur — our candidate for Utah State School Board District 7 — was my student extraordinaire. In his 9th grade year, I watched a shy young man discover the power of his own voice in my model United Nations class.

After he moved on to Brighton High School, John volunteered in my classroom for all three years of high school. I had the opportunity to watch him instruct and coach my students on how to be successful, sharing personal tips he had learned and using creative methods to project his ideas.

John volunteered in my class for three years because he loved teaching, and he loved helping students be successful. When John was a senior, ready to graduate and take on the world, I expressed my appreciation to him for his genuine effort in supporting my students. As he exited my classroom, I said, “You have a gift working with students, I have watched your ability to relate and engage students — you might want to be a teacher.” John smiled, waved and walked out the door.

It wasn’t until many years later that I learned my student had not only become a classroom teacher, but was also named the 2021 Utah Teacher of the Year and a Finalist for National Teacher of the Year.

John has been able to translate his own student success into classroom magic for the children he serves. He teaches a diverse community of students who lovingly call him “Captain.” Walt Whitman used “Captain” to revere Abraham Lincoln as the Captain of our country; John’s students revere him as the Captain of their academics, their humanity and their classroom family.

John has a long list of recognitions and awards, and he’s helping to formulate education policy in Utah and Washington D.C. Most importantly, he has designed his classroom to elevate student voices because he personally knows the benefit and motivation success provides all students, especially the quiet kids who might otherwise be overlooked in our classrooms.

We need to be represented by an outstanding student, a remarkable teacher and a recognized educational leader. We need John Arthur to represent the 7th District on the Utah State Board of Education.

Please join me and vote for John Arthur!

Kathryn Anderson, Cottonwood Heights

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