
Letter: Michelle Quist brings the experience necessary to restore integrity to Utah’s Attorney General’s Office

Whether as an attorney, a state senator, Salt Lake County mayor, or a congressman, I know firsthand how crucial it is for Utahns to have an attorney general who prioritizes Utahns’ needs above all others. That’s why I am voting for Michelle Quist as Utah’s next attorney general.

In recent years, the Attorney General’s Office has been filled with controversy, and our state deserves better. Utahns deserve a committed, accountable and ethical leader. They deserve someone like Michelle Quist.

The current system is simply not working for Utahns, particularly in the Attorney General’s Office. Sean Reyes, our current attorney general, has shown time after time that he is committed to his political party and friends above our state and its people. We need an attorney general who is above politics and who will act with accountability to the people of Utah, not campaign donors and party bosses.

In my time as a congressman, I consistently prioritized people over party. Our elected leaders should not just serve people in one political party, they should serve all of their constituents. This common-sense principle is more important now than ever.

I have known Michelle Quist more than 20 years, and I know she will serve as the independent public servant Utah needs. She isn’t running as a Democrat or Republican, but as a third-party candidate. She is committed to transparency and ethical government. With over 25 years of legal — not political — experience, she brings the expertise necessary to restore integrity to the Attorney General’s Office.

Politics don’t belong in our attorney general’s office. We need experience and integrity. We need Michelle. Join me in voting for Michelle Quist by Nov. 5.

Ben McAdams, former member of Congress, former mayor of Salt Lake County

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