
Letter: Trump never once said how he would make the lives of regular people better

Having watched the recent presidential debate I continue to question how Utahns who venerate women and families can opt to vote for a man who has only his wealth and power at the forefront of his drive?

He breaks every rule and now has a number of convictions for rape among his many devious behaviors.

So, help me understand how a culture so apparently respectful of families, motherhood and children could align their leanings to the likes of a man with not just perverse feelings and behaviors toward women, but downright disgust at women questioning him or speaking up for equality?

He has been convicted of multiple crimes against women. Utah culture lauds families and family values. How can they support a convicted felon, who cheats on taxes, laughs at people’s imperfect situations, threatens to employ the military if he does not like a political decision or a demonstration against him? Democracy entails the right of a whole population to have social equality (including the ability to demonstrate). He has no respect for the rule of law. He has no respect for human rights.

During the entirety of the debate Trump never once said how he would make the lives of regular people better. He never explained how he will make buying a home more accessible to first-time buyers. Or how he will help young families have resources and access to child care. He intends to severely restrict Medicare and Medicaid. A year ago, Utah had nearly 170,000 children on Medicaid. In 2022, nearly 20% of births were paid for by Medicaid.

Utahns, I urge you to vote for hope, vote for climate actions for our kids’ futures, vote for rights to choose when and how to have children and state of the art healthcare accessibility. Vote for Harris and Walz, the candidates who care about families.

Pat Sadoski, Logan

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