
Letter: Utahns deserve a reliable nomination system for representatives

My husband and I volunteered at the Republican caucus for our neighborhood for the first time. Doing so gives me serious doubts about the system. We already know how chaotic it was and how it disenfranchised many voters. I have two additional concerns.

If asked, no one would be able to identify who volunteered or did what at our county caucus. I officially volunteered and brought my husband. But they do not know his name or who he is. He could have been anyone. They did not ask for my I.D. If we had wanted to cause problems there was nothing to stop us. Knowing who is doing what is basic to having a system we can trust. There is too much room for error and no accountability.

My husband and I stayed and helped until everyone had gone to their precincts. When we went to ours, most of the voting had concluded. We did not get to participate until the end. But there is no record of whether or not our votes were counted. I have a serious issue with this. I have zero trust in the caucus as implemented in March.

Utah has a reliable and secure way for residents to vote. The Republican Party should not be allowed to choose a chaotic, untrustworthy, irregular, vulnerable system in its place. This does a disservice to the voter and to elections.

Deborah Lin, South Jordan

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