
Letter: Rep. Moore should support the SAFE Act to protect older Utahns

Tens of thousands of older Americans fall every day, leading to prolonged pain, broken bones, hospitalizations, and death — despite that being preventable. They greatly increase the financial strain on our health care system, with the CDC estimating annual costs associated with falls to reach $100 billion by 2030. Fortunately, falls can be prevented, and Congress can help expand older Americans’ access to the preventative care they need.

Recently, Back at Work Physical Therapy in Pleasant View welcomed Rep. Blake Moore to discuss crucial legislation that would enhance access to physical and occupational therapy services. Because, unfortunately, accessing preventive care to combat falls remains a challenge for many seniors. However, Congress has the power to change this by supporting the Stopping Addiction and Falls for the Elderly (SAFE) Act (HR7618). This bipartisan legislation, currently in the U.S. House, would help Medicare beneficiaries access a no-cost fall risk assessment from a physical or occupational therapist as part of their Medicare wellness benefit.

The SAFE Act aims to ensure older Americans receive a fall risk assessment from a falls expert to prevent avoidable accidents, injuries and hospitalizations.

Back at Work Physical Therapy strongly supports the SAFE Act, to enhance older Americans’ access to preventative physical therapy, allowing them to live safer, more independent lives. We are thankful for Rep. Moore’s work and urge him to cosponsor the SAFE Act to improve access to life-sustaining physical therapy services for older Utahns.

Kendall Humphrey, Pleasant View

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