
Letter: For those disliking Trump’s character but favoring his policies: Which ones, exactly?

I know several people personally (and have heard of many others) who claim to not like Trump’s “character” but are going to vote for him because they like his policies. I can’t help but ask, Which policies?

Do you perhaps like his numerous attempts to take health insurance away from millions?

Or do you like his “concept of a plan” for a new health care system?

Do you like his threatened across-the-board tariffs that economists unanimously agree will increase inflation?

Or what about his threat to deport millions of undocumented workers? Since half of all farm workers are undocumented, how much do you really want to pay for a peach, a head of lettuce, or a cantaloupe? One quarter of workers in meat processing are undocumented. How much do you want to pay for a chicken sandwich or a pork chop? Almost a million construction workers are undocumented. And you think housing is expensive now?

Do you like Trump’s plan to abandon America’s efforts to curtail carbon emissions? How much do you like extreme weather events, everything from flooding to unprecedented heat waves?

Or how about Trump’s eagerness to cut off aid to Ukraine? He never has liked Ukraine, but he has a bad case of Putin-envy.

What about his plan to fire tens of thousands of civil servants and replace them with unqualified Trump loyalists? Want your Social Security check to arrive on time?

How about cutting taxes, again, on corporations and the wealthiest Americans?

Or maybe you like his threat to send U.S. troops into large American cities to enforce public order, even though crime is down in almost all U.S. cities?

Someone rightly observed that Trump doesn’t have policies; he has prejudices. What are you voting for?

Roger Terry, Orem

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