
Letter: Sadly, pro-life voters often support anti-life positions. There’s a way to be truly pro-life.

While canvassing for Democratic candidates, a voter declared themself to be “for the other side” because they were “pro-life.” Laudably, they volunteer for pregnancy crisis centers and have adopted a child. However, I left saddened, as the tunnel vision of single issue “pro-life” voters and the policies/persons they support are often “anti-life.”

It is anti-life to deprive women, together with medical caregivers, of their right to make profoundly impactful and personal decisions without government interference. Although abortion ban specifics vary across states, many put women’s lives in jeopardy by delaying/denying care for pregnancy complications, including spontaneous abortions which affect an estimated 10% to 38% of pregnancies. Some force rape and incest survivors or those with nonviable fetuses and other complications to carry to term, again putting lives at risk. These lawmakers also threaten to restrict contraception access, thereby harming those for whom pregnancy would be socially, economically, or medically catastrophic.

It is anti-life to gut life-sustaining and affirming services such as Medicaid, Medicare, school lunches, SNAP benefits, Social Security, child tax credits, housing subsidies, and public education as “that side” promises to do.

It was/is anti-life to fight basic public health measures and to spread lies, thereby letting COVID-19 kill over 1 million Americans.

It is anti-life to align with autocrats such as Vladimir Putin and Victor Orban — men who jeopardize geo-political stability and casually murder their citizens.

It is anti-life to support those who promise to deploy the military in door-to-door searches for “illegals,” thereby ripping families apart.

It is anti-life to support unrestricted access to the guns that killed nearly 43,000 Americans last year.

Be genuinely pro-life! Make personal reproductive choices consistent with your beliefs, respect the right of others to do so, and look beyond this one issue as you vote. The “born” matter too.

Ellen Brady, Murray

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