
Letter: The book banners’ primary target is sex. They won’t stop there.

It is sickening to read about the recent book bans in our public schools — based on the opinions of a relatively small number of overzealous conservative “Christian” individuals, who assume they know best what is appropriate reading material for all children. Almost any mention or allusion to sex (gasp!) is on their target list. Thirteen titles now — but, almost certainly, it will not stop there. News flash: sexuality is a part of life. What topic will they target next?

To these self-righteous, “moral authorities,” I suggest that they keep any material they find offensive from their own children, and leave the rest of us to decide what access we will allow our children to have. It’s called freedom, a right essential to our democracy.

I am so disgusted by people forcing their values on everyone else, and by our Legislature for giving them the power.

Please, stop this madness!

Jan Crane, Midvale

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