
Letter: Why have Utah values become unrecognizable from the ones I grew up with?

I was brought up in a very “Utah values” neighborhood. My former neighbors included the families of Hugh B. Brown, Richard L. Evans and Sterling W. Sill. Though we did not belong to the same religion, these people were all warm, generous, caring, and knew the importance of being good neighbors. They set the example for us of truth, honor, decency and upstanding behavior. And they knew true “Utah values”— not the ones currently being thrown around by Gov. Cox, Sen. Lee, nor our current Congress folks: Reps. Curtis, Moore, Owens and Maloy.

Quite sadly, though not surprisingly, these so-called “representatives” are backing an adjudicated sexual assaulter, who is also convicted of 34 counts of felony. They are also steadfastly turning their backs on urban dwellers in lieu of the rural districts in a desire to command, destroy, and profit from our public lands, and trying to retain our state’s heinous Republican gerrymandering to do so.

Seldom do any of them answer questions without using Republican doublespeak, or solid facts.

So, I guess in all this what I am asking here is, “What are ‘Utah values’, and why have they become unrecognizable from what I learned them to be in the past?”

Ellen Mitchell, Holladay

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