
Letter: Which is more important in choosing a president — character or policy? Romney and Cox diverge on the answer, and it says a lot.

Two prominent Utahns exemplify the difficult choice that some LDS voters face in the upcoming presidential election. Which is more important in choosing a president of the United States — character or policy?

Both Sen. Mitt Romney and Gov. Spencer Cox first chose character, then Cox recently did an about-face and chose policy. Perhaps with Cox it’s a little more complicated than strictly policy, whereas for Romney it’s an open-and-shut case.

Romney explained there are “two factors” — policy and character — he is using to decide “who I want to have as the leader of my country and the person who is the example of the president for my kids and my grandkids.” He said both are vital but that character is most important.

Cox flipped his position on Trump and publicly endorsed him after Trump’s assassination attempt. In his endorsement letter to Trump his most standout rationale seems to be “But I have loved so many of your policies.”

For me, the kudos go to Romney. Character “trumps” policy every time.

I even wonder if Cox might flip again because he did seem to predicate his support on his “prayerful” decision that the assassination attempt would change Trump so he could be a unifier.

That was never to be. What Cox misses is that people may change their behavior, especially temporarily for expedience, but they don’t change their character.

Jeanette Sefcik, Glendale

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