
Letter: Trump is certainly not a Christian — yet he’s somehow convinced people that he is

Recently, after running to a local grocery store, I came out to find that someone had keyed the bedside of my four-year-old pickup truck.

They also had ruined my bumper sticker that was supporting Harris and Waltz, ruining it in the process.

I’ve also had my yard signs for Harris and Waltz stolen.

I’ve talked to a lot of my friends who have experienced the same kind of actions. So much for the Utah way.

After seeing Donald Trump’s completely unhinged debate display on Sept. 10, I am bewildered that anyone can support this lying, cheating, adulterer and just plain horrible human being — especially, Christians and the members of Utah’s dominant faith and our local leaders.

Trump is certainly not a Christian — yet he’s somehow convinced people he is a great Christian, the best in history.

After checking every fact-finding source, I could, the only mention of him going to church has mostly been for photo ops to appease his far-right Christian nationalist base who, in their own right, are not considered true Christians by actual Christians that do not support him.

So, my question to Utahans who support him is: Why?

What has happened to the pride of Utah and its slogan “the Utah way”? Somewhere along the way it got lost among all the lies and conspiracy theories that seem to dominate Trump followers’ mindset.

The fact that there are people in Utah who are actively engaging in vandalism to show their support for Trump is not only scary but sad.

For our governor, legislators and members of the dominant faith here in Utah: At this point I just feel sorry for you for kissing the ring of this madman!

Shame on you and to whomever keyed my truck.

Randy S. Teal, Holladay

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