The Salt Lake Tribune recently had an article on how JD Vance, a putative admirer of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, became a Catholic some five years ago. It was St. Augustine’s “City of God,” he said, that spurred him on by providing him with what he called “the best criticism of our modern age.”
He summarized that criticism by describing us as “a society oriented entirely towards consumption and pleasure, spurning duty and virtue.”
Have you ever heard, in a nutshell, a better description of Donald Trump?
Yet here is Vance embracing with vigor and passion the very embodiment of the failings he says he wishes to work against.
The only duty Trump holds sacred is increasing his personal wealth at the cost of stiffing contractors, cheating on his taxes, promoting steaks, and ripping off the duped student of his “university.” He eschewed virtue in his cradle and has spent nigh on 80 years in pursuit of personal pleasure as countless women can and have testified, as he himself made plain when he didn’t know he was being recorded.
All those laughably vulgar gold bathroom fixtures he favors are enough to show his proclivity for consumption.
Does Vance think because Trump is now hawking his Christian nationalist $60 version of the Bible that makes him the Chosen One?
At the risk of quoting Donald Trump, that’s just sad.
Michele Margetts, Salt Lake City