
Letter: Must we suffer more cancer from nuclear fallout? We could if Project 2025 is put into action.

Dear Gov. Cox,

Given that you recently flipped your support of Trump, I’m wondering if you have read the Project 2025 document? This is the blueprint for the new Trump administration. Though there are many issues of concern with this document, you, as well as all Utahns, should be very concerned about the information on page 125.

“3. Restore readiness to test nuclear weapons at the Nevada National Security Site to ensure the ability of the U.S. to respond quickly to asymmetric technology surprises.”

From 1951-1994, 928 nuclear tests were conducted, 100 of which were above ground with nuclear fallout. Contamination underground. Utahns and many others have suffered so much, must we suffer more cancer from nuclear fallout? Do you still support Trump for 2024?

Marcia Feldkamp, Salt Lake City

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