
Letter: We have a new opportunity to pivot away from the politics of scowling division. I’m with her.

It is morning in America again. On July 22 as the sun rose, my spirits and my hopes rose with it. We were presented with a sudden new opportunity to pivot away from the politics of scowling division and grievance and to lift our eyes to America’s limitless horizon again.

Here was a woman who radiated joy, humor, competence, warmth and intelligence. Here was a woman who symbolized the best of America: its diversity, its immigrant experience, its belief in the future and its democratic principles.

I felt no hesitation on her policies either. She will continue Biden’s extraordinary legislative success — in the infrastructure projects now taking place in every state, in stewardship of the planet, in the vibrant American economy, in the return of American manufacturing, in the strengthening and expanding of NATO, in the reassertion of America’s leadership role in the world.

This unaffiliated voter can no longer locate the Republican Party. It is all MAGA now. I am changing my registration from unaffiliated to Democratic, and I will work to turn the page on the years of lies, insurrection, and “American carnage.” We are all so much better than that.

I fully expect Vice President Harris to be reviled with unsubstantiated invective, misogyny, racial fear, and other nonsense. It already began recently with comments from Sens. Mike Lee and Burgess Owens — the same tired, exhausting, predictable slurs. This kind of rhetoric is losing all its power for me, even the power to outrage.

I’m with her.

Christine Sharer, Taylorsville

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