
Letter: Dream scenario: Three former Utah governors take a stand on the upcoming election

This is a dream I wish I had in reality.

The other night, as I passed from wake to sleep, I had a dream. In it, I saw our three former governors give a press conference.

Mike Leavitt spoke first. “I have been a Republican my whole life. I was your Republican governor and served in the Bush cabinet.

Despite this heritage, I cannot vote for Donald Trump. He is emotionally and mentally unfit to be president. Age has not been kind to him. His intellectual faculties are failing. He is confused and slurs his words, often speaking gibberish. He repeatedly mentions Hannibal Lecter, a fictitious cannibal, as his hero. It is not weird. That is sick.

As such, I am voting for Vice President Harris and Gov. Walz.”

He sits down.

Next is Jon Huntsman, Jr. “I was your governor. I was also the ambassador to both China and Russia. From these experiences, I cannot vote for Trump. He is a danger to American democracy and a threat to peace and freedom around the world. He wants to be a dictator. For the sake of our democracy, if we love our country, we should all vote for Harris.”

Lastly, Gary Herbert moves to the microphone.

“I thank my fellow governors for their honest assessment. Like them, after much thought, and I will add prayer, I have concluded as a man of faith, I cannot morally vote for Trump. Integrity is the fundamental characteristic of a great leader. Trump has none. He is a pathological liar, fraud, adulterer, sex abuser, and now a convicted felon. To trust such a corrupt person is societal suicide. As a conservative, I will vote for Harris. I may hold my nose, but better her than a sociopath. I ask all Utahans to do the same.”

The dream ends without questions.

Joseph Grant Cramer, Murray

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