
Letter: As a lifelong Republican, I am supporting a Democrat for Salt Lake County assessor. Here’s why.

I am a certified appraiser with 25 years of experience in the appraisal and assessing industry. As a registered and lifelong Republican voter in Utah, I am proudly supporting Joel Frost, the Democratic nominee for Salt Lake County assessor, this November.

Having spent my career as an appraiser, I understand the challenges and complexities of property assessment that many people may not be aware of. I’ve developed an understanding of what it takes to manage property assessments with accuracy and fairness. It is this lifetime of experience in the industry that has guided me toward my decision to support Joel Frost.

Many people may not even know what an assessor has to do with property taxes and why this issue should matter to them. A county assessor plays a crucial role in determining the taxable value of properties within the county. This is important as the valuation offered by an assessor directly impacts how property taxes are calculated. The assessor’s job plays a vital role in determining how much you pay in taxes as a homeowner.

In Salt Lake County, many lower-value homes often bear a disproportionate share of the property tax burden compared to higher-value homes, meaning many homeowners of lower-value properties pay more than their fair share in taxes. While this issue is well-known in the appraisal industry, many homeowners may be unaware of it. Joel Frost is running the county assessor seat to fix this issue. He is running to ensure that your taxes make sense as a property owner and that everyone pays their fair share.

Although there are many issues we may disagree on, I believe the issue of imbalanced property assessments is one we should all be able to come together on. Although today’s political landscape often feels dominated by hyper-partisan politics, we need to unite, regardless of party affiliation, and elect the guy who just wants to ensure that our taxes make sense. Joel Frost is the Democrat that every Republican should be voting for this November.

Keven Ewell, Draper

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