
Letter: Heat stress is yet another sinister effect of daylight saving time on public health

Much has been reported about the morbidity and mortality associated with the heat of summer, and this year seems to have been a doozy for much of our country. Although daylight saving time does not alter the temperature, it has a big effect on how we experience the heat of summer. By abandoning daylight saving time, we would gain an hour of morning daylight in the high 60s and low 70s to use as we wish before the start of a typical work day. After work, the sun would bow its head earlier and we would experience the cool of evening more fully. Our air conditioning bills would be lower and there would be less strain on the electrical grid.

There are sinister effects on public health associated with daylight savings time. Added heat stress is one of many. This is why Arizona rejected daylight saving time, as should Utah.

John Keith Hayes, Jr., Salt Lake City

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