
Letter: Utah Clean Energy’s new headquarters epitomize its push to create a future for clean air and a stable climate

Recently, I was thrilled to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Climate Innovation Center, the new headquarters of Utah Clean Energy. UCE refurbished and repurposed an old building in downtown Salt Lake City and turned it into a bright, functional, inviting workspace. By using energy-efficient all-electric design and solar panels with storage, people working in this building will add no polluting carbon into the air we breathe.

At the ceremony, former Zions Bank CEO Scott Anderson praised UCE for their vision and leadership, noting their creation of this state-of-the art building and also the Climate and Clean Air Climate Compact. The compact brings together over 100 of the state’s most prominent leaders, from diverse political, religious and ethnic backgrounds, supporting the “Utah Way” of collaboration and innovation, thus creating a future for clean air and a stable climate for our communities.

When over 2500 Utahns die prematurely each year from air pollution, the world experiences the warmest year on record (2023), and devastating effects of warming temperatures become more evident, it is encouraging to know about practical solutions being utilized by the Climate Innovation Center. Stop by and see this remarkable building at 215 S 400 E in Salt Lake City. I’m confident the welcoming staff at Utah Clean Energy will leave you more hopeful about the safety and health of our common home.

David Folland, Sandy

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