
Letter: Current presidential race moment brings to mind an adage: Never underestimate the power of a woman

Ever since the exit of Barack Obama from the political scene, democrats have been secretly searching for a champion, someone who could even do battle with the likes of Donald Trump in what often devolves into a no-holds-barred spectacle of mindless mudslinging.

This predicament, if you will, was pushed to a critical mass after President Joe Biden’s hapless performance during his last debate with Trump. Unfortunately, despite the Donald’s voluminous lies, many Americans seem to crave his false bravado and the sick turn on it must give them even when his performances are devoid of any substance.

Seemingly vanquished after his 2020 defeat, Trump hung around. In fact, he almost refused to leave. He then miraculously arose from the ashes and threw down the gauntlet.

But no one emerged as a suitable foe, most notably the current president.

However, the period of hand-ringing and panic ended when “old cognitively impaired Joe” in a stroke of genius and with a little help from his friends decided to unleash their champion on a completely befuddled opposition.

Indeed, a champion who’s been under the radar for years and, to the delight of a reenergized Democratic Party, has already landed some telling blows.

All of this reminding us to never underestimate the power of a woman, especially one who has been underestimated all her life.

Thomas R. Smith, Hurricane

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