
Letter: What exactly is “family friendly” about the grand plans for Salt Lake City’s downtown?

The Salt Lake City mayor, City Council and Smith Entertainment Group keep using the phrase “family friendly” to describe their grand plans for downtown.

Call me old-fashioned, but I still retain the notion that a family often consists of one or more adults and one or more children. And yet, the current building boom and re-imaging of downtown seem to leave those types of family groupings out of the picture.

What will be the range of prices for major league hockey games? If a typical Jazz game can be used for comparison, tickets start at $35. How about the price of a hot dog at the game? $12. What if that family wanted to live close to downtown? They might find a small house in the Avenues for $600,000, or in Rose Park for $500,000. They might be able to afford something in one of those new high-rise buildings if both adults are working in high-tech jobs.

Let’s face it, most of those families with kids have already moved way out south. The schools in the city are closing for a lack of students. Family-owned businesses have been priced out also.

So, I guess “family friendly” applies mostly to folks with big incomes and visitors from out of state.

Ray Wilmot, Salt Lake City

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