
Letter: Mike Lee’s got a curious understanding of cheating

For Sen. Mike Lee to call President Joe Biden a cheater for not resigning after his announcement of not running for a second term is probably the most “pot calling the kettle black” in the history of cookery. Let’s first recall Lee’s short sale of his Alpine home, to relieve him of his mortgage debt from JP Morgan Chase, a bank that at the time was being propped up by U.S. tax dollars appropriated and approved by the U.S. Senate to keep the country afloat. This probably saved him a couple hundred thousand dollars, and cost the taxpayer the same.

This was at a time when banks were not doing this for others who bought high in the 2011 financial crisis.

A sitting senator got a sweet deal.

Easily also recollected is his claim that Donald Trump is the incarnate Angel Moroni which, in itself is odd, but even weirder when one considers that Trump personally, as well as his businesses organization, have been found guilty of felony cheating, by a jury, in a court of law. The Angel Moroni would have nothing to do with such skullduggery. As Ed McMahon said, “write your own joke.”

Chris Pond, Sandy

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