
Letter: The media is unalterably opposed to publishing anything critical of unbridled capitalism and rogue religion

Many people complain about how democracy is leaking away. However, all too many of these same people are contributing mightily to its disappearance.

For example, they invest time and treasure in gambling, childless homes, divorce, hyper-partisanship, luxury purchases while going ever deeper into debt, sports and fashion addiction, overeating and over-imbibing, and jagged-edge pornography of the kind that destroys relationships. All of these lifestyle abuses are destructive of democracy and this would become clear to anyone who took some time to read a little history of democracy.

Our unwillingness to critically evaluate business practices and religious doctrine and practice are also key forces in democracy’s decline. The evangelical faith tilts toward Trump and totalitarianism largely because liberal America thinks it is illegal or unethical to upbraid the medieval religious doctrine pastors and priests are feeding their gullible sheep. Either that, or the left and the media have so lost touch with Biblical scholarship and the history of Christianity that they feel totally inadequate to evaluate whatever might be written about it. Either that, or the media has become so dependent upon businesses and church members financing their operations that they don’t want to offend anybody by criticizing.

No matter the reason, the media is unalterably opposed to publishing anything critical of unbridled capitalism and rogue religion. Their view is, let them have their way, even if it kills us.

Kimball Shinkoskey, Woods Cross

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